APPLY TO FOSTER Fill out the foster form below! Step 1 of 3 33% Full Name* Email* Home Address* Home Number* Mobile Number* Are you over 18 years old?* Yes No I live in a*I live in aHouseApartmentCondoMobile HomeOtherOther Do you own or rent your current residence?* Rent Own If you rent or reside in another person’s home, provide their name and telephone number: If you RENT your home, are pets allowed?* Yes No If there are restrictions on animals, explain:Number of children in your household:Do you have a fenced yard?* Yes No Choose the option that describes your normal day:*Home all dayOut part-timeGone 7-10 hrs daily Do you currently have any pets in the home?* Yes No Type of Pets Dogs Cats Birds Other Other Name of your veterinarian:* What type of animals are you interested in fostering: Large dogs Small dogs Puppy(s) Pregnant or nursing dog Are you willing to foster more than one animal at a time: Yes No Please share any additional experience of value (previous fostering experience, worked in animal welfare, animal training, etc.) Consent*I agree to the foster home standards: animals are indoors; a safe, clean environment; a fenced in yard if applicable; able to care for animals in multi-animal environment; a separate area for animals with specific medical issues. I agree to provide a Straydog representative access to all parts of my home and property for a home inspection before my application to foster is approved. I understand that all veterinary care must be approved by Straydog prior to treatment and agree to provide my foster animal with the proper veterinary care as authorized by Straydog. I understand that there are certain risks associated with fostering animals. I understand that Straydog will not be held liable or financially responsible for any damage or injury caused by the foster animal(s) to any property owned by myself or others; to any individual, whether related to me or not; or to any animal belonging to me or someone else. I understand that Straydog provides no guarantee as to the health of my foster animal and that my foster animal may have medical needs, socialization problems and may not be house trained. I understand that I am fostering this animal for Straydog, and that I do not have any right of ownership. I agree to provide a Straydog representative access to my home and property to check on my foster animal at any time that I am in possession of my foster. I understand that anyone interested in adopting my foster animal (including myself) must go through the standard Straydog adoption process and that it will include the usual adoption fee. I understand that certain materials may be loaned to me and will be returned to Straydog when the foster is adopted or returned. I agree to contact Straydog if at any time I cannot continue to care for the foster animal. I agree to use the Straydog contact numbers for all questions/emergencies about the foster animal. These will be provided upon approval of the foster application. Above all, I promise to treat the foster animal with love, respect, and patience and to never use any negative training or discipline techniques. I will never hurt or cause harm to the foster animal. I am fostering to improve the life of the animal in a safe home environment. I agree to the foster home standards.Consent*I certify that the information provided on this application is true and correct. I understand that providing false information or withholding information on this application can be considered a violation of the adoption agreement and result in Straydog reclaiming this pet. I certify that the information provided is true and correct.Date* MM slash DD slash YYYY NameThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.